Early morning on the Pampas of southern Brasil, the Gaucho (Brazilian cowboy) gets up, yawns and stretches… After donning his bombachas (typical Brazilian cowboy pants), he puts on his slippers and walks out to a little shed behind his house. Bringing a handful of firewood from the shed into the rustic kitchen, he fans the coals left from yesterdays cooking until a roaring fire is going in the stove. He then puts a kettle of water on to heat and prepares his gourd with Yerba Mate, carefully following the traditional steps established by his indigenous ancestors. When the water starts “singing”, as they put it, he fills his gourd with hot water.

Walking out to the porch, he sits on a bench, setting the kettle beside him and meditatively sips the infusion through the silver straw, gazing out over the plains toward the sunrise. When the kettle has emptied he interrupts his meditation and prepares breakfast for his family, leaving wood for the stove. He then dons his boots, saddles his horse, and rides out to drive the cattle to the pastures. When noon comes he gathers with all the other men under the shade of a tree. There they prepare a fire to roast a “churrasco” (A Gaucho BBQ), and pass the gourd from hand to hand in the circle enjoying the fellowship as they roast their meal. Only when the sun lowers in the sky and the midday heat dispels do they ride off to work their rice fields, preparing for harvest.

Dating back to the time of the Indians, the custom of drinking mate in a gourd has come to symbolize a lot for the peoples of southern Brazil. A Chimarrão circle became the culmination of tradition, uniting people of every race, belief, skin color and social class around a fire creating a common ground for all. This creates an environment of respect, uniting couples, bonding generations and solidifying the family nucleus. It brings people to a sense of community, enduring friendships, inspiring the sense of comfort as the gourd circles around. It maintains the feeling of affection and companionship and becomes a way of increasing communication, which is the essence of unity. Chimarrão is a spontaneous expression of the survival of healthy traditions, many of which are fading today.

Article By The Mate Factor (USA)

Click here for Mate Factor Canada

The facts that lead to the decadence or survival of cultures, languages and races are some of the most interesting topics to be studied in history. The history of mate is no exception. Rooted in an old Indian legend that depicted the god Tupã as a tall, bearded white man, the natives built their social life around mate. That, in turn was adapted by the European settlers, who, in their turn, attributed social traditions and folklore to the herb. Today, the tradition of mate faces the crossroads of extinction or a further development of the complex social aspects of the beverage, as it is linked to more and more health benefits. Here we present a brief history of how mate became the drink it is today.tradit7

Found growing in the midst of the tall, umbrella pine and Atlantic forests of southern Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina, the fresh air of the high mountain altitudes permits the healthy growth of the mate shrubs, and they line the dirt roads, showing us why the tradition is so easily engraved in the people. This photo from the early 20th cetury shows oxen hauling logs to the river, destined to the sawmills. Yerba Mate trees can be seen around the cabin in the foreground.

European explorers first learned of the herb in 1592 from the native Guarani tribes. Today, the pounded leaves of the caá, known as “erva mate” (Portugese) or “Yerba Mate” (Spanish) to those who now live in the lands of the Guarani, are used to brew a rich, stimulating tea, held to be synonymous with health, vitality and long life.

They sit together at lunchtime or at the end of a hard day of work and refresh themselves around a fire, socializing and passing around the “cuia,” as the gourd is called, so all can have a drink. The ancient custom of drinking the pounded herb in a gourd still survives and is a day to day habit among the people that now inhabit these lands.

From boosting immunity to toning the nervous system, from combating fatigue to cleansing and detoxifying the blood, from controlling the appetite and stimulating the mind to reducing stress, mate was always used as a healthful herb. For this reason the Indian tribes always carried the Yerba Mate with them when they had to go on long walks searching for food, or when they had to face intense challenges in the dense subtropical forests. Yerba Mate was one of their greatest sources of extra energy.

Article By The Mate Factor (USA)

Click here for Mate Factor Canada

“What I have learned EXPERIENTIALLY during the past few years about weight loss might actually help you. I don’t know if you are like me but it is very hard for me to trust and put my faith in the countless natural remedies that are out there. They usually don’t work! I guess we are talking about the difference between knowledge and wisdom. Knowledge can be learned in a short period of time without any suffering. But wisdom comes through effort and time. Knowledge is not 100 percent truthful unless it is tested and accompanied by experience, but wisdom learned through experience never lets you down.

It is amazing, the year that I started drinking Yerba Mate was the year that I started to see an obvious change in my weight. At the time I was working on a farm in BC. During those two years I ate well, worked hard, and faithfully drank 2 to 3 cups of the Mate Factor Brazilian Green Yerba Mate. I was never a big fan of teas, but the slightly bitter yet deep and classy and distinct flavor of Mate soon found favor in my taste buds!!!

During those two years I lost an incredible amount of weight, then I moved over to Winnipeg where I worked at our cafe for the next two years. I was surrounded by scrumptious, delicious & nutritious food all day long (and an endless supply of quality Yerba Mate from the Maté Factor).

Through my past experiences I have learned that suppressing and oppressing your food cravings and appetites are absolutely useless. Even though for a time you will be able to keep a really tight diet yet it is inconsistent and sooner or later your desire for food becomes so much that you will lose self control and you will break your diet and then you have to deal with the mental guilt and… But I have seen that consistency is the best cure for any lasting change in life. They say if you develop a habit and practice it for 21 days afterwards that habit is yours forever.

To my surprise, in the two years that I was at the cafe not only did I not gain weight but I continued to lose weight.

I was neither doing any real hard physical labour nor much exercise, but I was pretty much on my feet all day and stayed very active. I ate three meals a day (one good portion), I judged myself to the best of my abilities and did not eat more food than what my body needed, and I drank 3 (and every now and then 4) cups of green Mate.

I learned that the best thing to do is to drink one cup of Mate and some water in the morning before breakfast (it helps lessen your appetite), and another cup an hour or so before lunch, and another one in the late afternoon.

Basically it has worked the best for me to drink Yerba Mate on an empty stomach. It has the most effect on your body (energy-wise) and it also makes you less hungry and prepares you for your next meal!

I have been training myself to like the plain green Mate. But at times when I am craving food or sweets I mix some orange juice or apple cider with my Mate and I have it cold with some ice (add 1/3 cup of juice to 2/3 cup of Mate) and that deals with the craving.

After a few weeks of being faithful in doing that you will see results and not only will you feel better but also you will start to lose weight. We have heard that there is no painless progress in life. But drinking Yerba Mate definitely helped lessen the efforts I otherwise would have had to take in order to lose this much weight.

Roi Common Ground Cafe Winnipeg MB

This is what the Brain Ready Team had to say about Yerba Mate in comparison to Coffee…

Except from Brain Ready, 10/01/2007.

…the nutritional constituents of the plant are real and verified, as are ORAC antioxidant levels thanks to some ORAC testing, and thus it’s likely that Mate does provide large, complex range of antioxidants as well as nutrients and amino acids, as widely reported. Just as with Matcha green tea or high-quality organic coffee beans, the source must be as pure as possible in order to derive maximum benefit: in this case, rainforest shade-grown Mate, consumed straight (no added sugar or milk or other diluting elements). And like Matcha, teas and coffees, the strength of the brew will also affect the resulting amount of nutrients.

From an antioxidant profile standpoint, and 8 oz. serving of Mate compared to an 8 oz serving of brewed sencha green tea shows that Mate’s ORAC level is indeed almost twice that of both brewed green tea and coffee, however high-grade Matcha green tea and ground Sencha can still eclipse Mate (and coffee) on the ORAC scale depending on source and brewing strength (and contain some different components at different levels, which have given green tea its own deserving praise, most notably EGCG and L-Theanine).

Oh, and there is caffeine in Mate…although some Mate proponents insist that the form in Mate is slightly different and worthy of its own name, “Mateine”, providing almost identical effects but without the caffeine jitters. Others argue that it’s the same caffeine as in other teas, but thanks to the synergistic combination of balancing nutrients, the net effect is far different from coffee.

So whether it’s the same caffeine as in other teas and coffees or indeed the purported mateine variant, Yerba Mate contains about 30 milligrams of caffeine/mateine in an eight ounce cup, according to a recent Health Canada report, compared with 47 milligrams in a cup of tea and 100 milligrams in a cup of coffee.

So how does is compare to coffee? To answer this question, one must look at the nutritional profile of both mate and coffee, as well as the “functional” profile — or the real-world human effects and experiences of those who have consumed both and found differences. From a nutritional standpoint, assuming both coffee and mate drinks are prepared equally using high-quality fresh source material and nothing else but hot water added, Mate does appear to win: with comparatively higher levels of both amino acids and plant-derived vitamins, the combination of leaves and stems from the mate tree have been shown to possess a higher overall nutritional profile than the coffee bean. But remember that BOTH are powerhouses in the overall antioxidants area compared to so many other beverage choices out there (including most fruit juices).

Functional benefits may be the key difference: it’s in the real-world, practical application area that Mate really shines compared to coffee, at least for many people, particularly those sensitive to the effects of coffee: many former coffee drinkers cite the fact that Mate doesn’t upset their stomach like coffee once did, which can be attributed to Mate’s more alkaline nature compared to the often acidic coffee (depending on how coffee is brewed, of course, as we’ve cited in our Espresso vs. coffee comparison).

With about one-third the caffeine of coffee, plus the presence of natural calming tryptophan and other elements, many also report the lack of jitters, shakes and anxiety that can accompany coffee drinking, resulting in all of the “good buzz” of coffee without the bad. And perhaps most significant is the reported lack of “coffee crash”, which has been particularly of interest to athletes and performers, who cite Mate’s sustained energy without the hard crash at the end; this is likely the result of lower caffeine content combined with calming amino acids and muscle-fueling nutrients, helping athletes both mentally and physically without an extreme jittery high (and resulting crash) as can occur from coffee.

Yerba Mate: Mateine not Caffeine

The xanthines draw a lot of attention, chief of which is caffeine. Others are theophylline and theobromine. All of the xanthines have a similar stereo-chemistry but each has its own unique set of properties.

For many years, and even now, in some sectors, yerba mate was (is) thought to contain caffeine. It turns out that mateine is not identical to caffeine; it differs from caffeine in some rather dramatic ways.

Some members of the scientific community still resort to calling mateine a South American term for caffeine, or to maintaining, in perfect knowledge of the falseness of the assertion, that two substances so similar chemically must have the same properties.

Slowly, they are being forced to acknowledge the distinction between mateine and caffeine.

Modern studies seem to validate the difference between mate and other xanthines-containing plants, such as guarana.

Stereo-chemical and clinical work on xanthines in the last couple of decades have shown that, though similar in structure, the members of this class have widely varying pharmacology.

In fact, there is only one effect that seems to be shared by all trimethyl xanthines: smooth muscle relaxation. It is this action that makes them with the exception of caffeine, whose smooth muscle relaxant effects are diminished by other side effects, good clinical dilators of the bronchi and hence useful in the treatment of asthma.

Over the past year, I have been giving the yerba mate tea to my patients who need to stop using caffeine-containing products for health reasons. I have had good feedback on the results. I like having a healthful substitute for coffee, tea and colas to offer them. K.L.P., M.D.

Chemical assays on mate have traditionally looked for caffeine, and in such tests mateine, being a simple stereo-isomer of caffeine, would test positive. Until recently nobody has looked at the exact structure of the molecule – and, to my knowledge, nobody in the United States has ever made the attempt.

Researchers at the Free Hygienic Institute of Homburg, Germany, concluded that even if there were caffeine in mate, the amount would be so tiny that it would take 100 tea bags of mate in a six ounce cup of water to equal the caffeine in a six ounce serving of regular coffee.

They make the rather astute observation that it is obvious that the active principle in yerba mate is not caffeine! But then, we know for sure it is not caffeine, for caffeine is not present at all.

Mateine, then, has a unique pharmacology and it is unfair to compare it to caffeine (incidentally, guarana may not contain caffeine either, it may contain something that could be called guaraneine, however that substance looks like it is more deleterious than caffeine!).

Mateine appears to possess the best combination of xanthine properties possible.

For example, like other xanthines, it stimulates the central nervous system, but unlike most, it is not habituating or addicting. Likewise, unlike caffeine, it induces better, not worse, attributes of sleep.

It is a mild, not a strong, diuretic, as are many xanthines. It relaxes peripheral blood vessels, thereby reducing blood pressure, without the strong effect on the medulla and heart exhibited by some xanthines.

We also know that it improves psychomotor performance without the typical xanthine-induced depressant after effects.

Dr. Jose Martin, Director of the National Institute of Technology in Paraguay, writes, New research and better technology have shown that while mateine has a chemical constituency similar to caffeine, the molecular binding is different.

Mateine has none of the ill effects of caffeine. And Horacio Conesa, professor at the University of Buenos Aires Medical School, states, There is not a single medical contraindication for ingesting mate.

Clinical studies show, in fact, that individuals with caffeine sensitivities can ingest mate without adverse reactions.
The time has come, therefore, to discard the outmoded ideas that:

(1) xanthines are all alike,
(2) that yerba mate contains caffeine, and
(3) that mateine is identical with caffeine.

It would be tragic indeed if nature created such a beneficial plant and then, through some bizarre quirk, contaminated it with caffeine.

It is more likely that mate is, as some say, Natures most perfect beverage, or, as others maintain, the beverage of the Gods.

Summarizing the clinical studies of France, Germany, Argentina and other countries, it appears that we may be dealing here with the most powerful rejuvenator known to man. Unlike the guarana of the Tupi, the coca of the Incas, the coffee of India, or the tea of China, mate rejuvenates not by the false hopes of caffeine, but simply through the wealth of its nutrients.

Daniel Mowry, PhD

If, like most Americans, you haven’t heard of Yerba Mate – the national drink of Argentina – it’s about time you did. Why? Because it has the power to shrink your appetite, tame your cravings, rev you up and trim you down! Here’s why you should get in on South America’s top slimming secret…

Like any working mom, Dr. Shirley Impellizzeri is a busy woman. On a typical day, she counsels patients, offers expert court testimony, works on her upcoming book, chauffeurs her eight-year old, helps with homework, makes dinner and generally tries to keep her house from looking like hurricane alley. So It’s easy to see how she came to crave regular pick-me-ups.

Mid-morning, I used to have a Danish or a donut,” sighs the famed L.A. psychologist. “Then in the afternoon, I’d have a muffin with coffee. Plus, burgers for lunch, huge bowls of pasta for dinner. It was stress related eating. I knew I wasn’t choosing the right foods, but I couldn’t seem to help myself.” For awhile, she tried to ignore the weight steadily creeping onto her petite 5’3” frame. Then came the morning when her favorite jeans wouldn’t button any more. She realized something had to give. “It was either forget shopping or lose weight,” she recalls, “ I decided to give weight loss a try.”

And is she ever glad she did! Fifteen pounds slimmer after just six weeks, the 37-year-old – affectionately known to patients as “Dr Shirley” – also doubled her energy and shrunk her appetite down in size. Did she squeeze a complicated diet or grueling exercise into her packed schedule? Nah. She simply discovered – make that rediscovered – a virtually effortlessly little trick, one she first tucked up her sleeve as a teenager exploring the world with her family…

Argentina’s sip-yourself-slim secret

Dr. Shirley’s initial inclination ad been to try the Zone, a celebfavorite diet that calls for drastically cutting carb consumption. “I had these terrible carbohydrates cravings, so it was difficult for me to stay with it.” The California native recalls. Yet she kept trying struggling… until a lucky day when wandering through a gourmet deli, she had a lightbulb moment. There, sitting on a shelf, was a package of Yerba Mate -a tea she’d first sipped as a girl….

For three years while I was in high school, my parents took us to live near relatives in Argentina, where yerba mate is part of the cultural tradition, kind of like coffee is for Americans,” she explains. “I remember that the younger people realized drinking yerba mate made us eat less and lose weight. We purposely drank lots of it to keep nice and trim. It wasn’t anything scientific back then, just teenage girls wanting to look good. But when I remembered that, I did some research.” What she found inspired her to begin drinking two to three cups of the spicy herbal brew a day. And those cups of tea prompted her incredibly effortless weight loss.

Considering the kind of results Dr. Shirley got, it’s no surprise word of yerba mate’s slimming power has begun to spread. In Scottsdale, Arizona, hairstylist Jamie Rosen shed a whooping 45 pounds after a friend insisted she try it. San Francisco yoga instructor Stephanie Bernstein had her first taste of the tea at a health-food store where they were handing out free samples; she took some home and promptly dropped 10 incredibly stubborn pounds. And then there are the folks who’ve tested yerba mate in a more formal setting – specifically a research lab. One group given supplements spiked with yerba mated lost over 10 times more weight than those who go a sugar pill instead. “I’ve never seen anything like it,” says one top doc involved in the yerba mated studies. “The weight-loss results using yerba mate were truly remarkable.”

What yerba mate can do for you

Do you feel as though your metabolism is stalled? Do you have strong urges to eat that sabotage your efforts to slim down? Yerba mate can offer relief from both problems, say experts. Here’s how:

It will boost your ability to burn calories.

When scientists at the Universite de Lausanne in the Switzerland tested different plants said to have fat-burning properties, only yerba mate was found to possess real power to melt flab. It works its magic courtesy of something called the “thermogenic effect,” which essentially triggers the body to turn excess calories (calories that would otherwise end up in fat cells) into heat that simply rises off the skin and disappears, explains Lynn Anderson, N.D., Ph.D., author of several health and nutrition books. And by causing more calories to be burned than usual, the thermogenic effect makes it easy to burn off more calories than we consume-which in turn, forces stored fat to be burned!

It definitely revved me up and speeded up my metabolism,” confirms Dr. Shirley. Jamie eventually came to the same conclusion-but first she had a lot of scepticism to overcome. “I’m a realist, so I didn’t believe there was a ‘super-tea’ you could drink with your Krispy Kremes and still lose weight,” says the mom of two, 39. “But a friend who heard me constantly complaining about my weight frustration said, ‘You have to try it. I’ll give you a box.’ I made a big jugful and started drinking it with ice.” To Jamie’s surprise, she dropped from a size 12 to a size 6 in two months-and the shrinking didn’t stop there. “One day, I pulled on a pair of size 6 pants, and I was swimming in them!” she says. “So I got out a box of my ‘pre-mommy’ clothes and pulled on a pair of size 4 jeans. They fit!

It fills you up as much as an entire meal would.

A Danish study published in the Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics found that a supplement containing yerba mate slowed the release of stomach contents by a full 20 minutes, so test subjects felt full sooner and longer. The effect not only left volunteers

satisfied, it left them skinny: in 45 days, people taking the yerba mate combination lost 16 times more weight than those who didn’t. (Note: you’ll need to sip yerba mated during or soon after meals to maximize this effect, say experts.)

Yerba mate also helps curb hunger by meeting a surprising number of the body’s nutritional requirements for zero calories. A French study found that it contains almost all of the vitamins and minerals necessary to sustain life: calcium, iron potassium, magnesium, vitamins A, C, E and more.

Dr. Shirley is so stuffed thanks to drinking the tea that she has all but give up snacks and has to remind herself to eat meals. “Often, the morning goes by, and suddenly it’s 2 p.m. and I still haven’t felt a hunger pang,” she says. Jamie noticed her appetite disappearing too-especially for the sugary foods that once sabotaged her weight loss. “I used to wake up wanting cookies,” she says. “But since I started the tea, I don’t have those unstoppable cravings. Even my husband noticed the difference.”

It doubles your energy without caffeine jitters.

What if exercise was suddenly something you wanted to do? Well. When you start drinking yerba mate tea, don’t be surprised if that happens! “Yerba mate contains a chemical compound called mateine, which is thought by many authorities to be identical to caffeine with one exception-it doesn’t cause jitteriness,” notes Raymond M. Lombardi, D.C., N.D., a certified herbalist based in Redding, California. “But like caffeine, it has a stimulating effect on metabolism.” A faster metabolism not only means you burn more calories, it means you turn more calories into energy. So your get-up-and-go goes through the roof!

Dr. Shirley, Jamie and Stephanie all found this out firsthand. Says Dr. Shirley; “I started walking so much more. If I needed to go a few blocks, I’d walk instead of taking the car. I’d take a walk after dinner. I enjoyed it!” Jamie, who had never exercised consistently before, suddenly got hooked on aerobics and strength training. Meanwhile, Stephanie found herself so much more revved up by yerba mate that she automatically started doing her regular yoga routines more vigorously. “My clothes fit differently almost immediately!” she says.

It soothes moodiness-and curbs emotional eating.

One more thing about mateine: it’s a double-duty compound. As it stimulates the metabolism into turning more calories to energy, it simultaneously soothes the nervous system. You feel less nervous and anxious, and you’re better able to resist physical and mental fatigue, says Daniel Mowrey, Ph.D., who first began researching yerba mate over 25 years ago. “improvement in mood, especially in cases of depression, often follows drinking the tea,” he says. And that takes the temptation out of fattening comfort foods.

Dr. Shirley can vouch for that. “Taking care of other people’s needs is a stressful job. Before, it felt like there were never enough hours in the day,” she says. But with the tea? “I’m not always stressed out about getting everything done anymore. I’m calmer. Of course, I also get a lot more things done in a day, so I not only handle things better, I have less to worry about!” Certainly losing weight is no longer a worry for Dr. Shirley. “All of a sudden, I found myself changing in front of the mirror again,” she says. “I felt really good, and was calling all my friends to tell them about my weight loss!” Adds Jamie: “Everyone laughed after I had my kids and talked about getting back into my pre-pregnancy clothed. But I’m the one who’s laughing now!”

So what are you waiting for? Brew a cup of yerba mate tea and get on the road to a slimmer, more energized and less stressed you. Oh, then take a little “psychological” advice from Dr. Shirley: treat yourself to some skinny jeans and a sexy new top!

Stephanie Huszar
Woman’s World
October 21, 2003

Long ago, in South America, there was unlocked a secret for maintaining good health. It was found in the healing qualities of one of their native plants. It was the Yerba Mate tree. The Mate beverage made from this tree was discovered to benefit health, vitality and longevity. It has been used for centuries to boost immunity, cleanse and detoxify the blood, tone the nervous system, restore youthful hair color, retard aging, combat fatigue, stimulate the mind, control the appetite, reduce the effects of debilitating disease, reduce stress, and eliminate in somnia, promoting overall good health.

In current practice in Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay, Mate tea is made from the leaves steeped in hot water. Properly brewed, Yerba Mate makes an excellent beverage that aside from all its nutritional properties, tastes good!

But Mate is much more than a very nourishing and refreshing beverage. It is a drink that has a long traditional use in South America. It is the focal point of a culture famous for their hospitality and brotherhood. Mate remains the center of their social lives. The gentle stimulant effect invigorates their warm interaction and conversation.


Yerba Mate is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, including carotene, vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B-complex, riboflavin, nicotinic acid, pantothenic acid, biotin, vitamin C complex, magnesium, calcium, iron, sodium, potassium, manganese, silicon, phosphates, sulfur, hydrochloric acid, chlorophyll, choline, and inositol.

In 1964 The Pasteur Institute did a study on the properties of Yerba Mate. Their conclusion was:

“it is difficult to find a plant in any area of the world equal to Mate in nutritional value. It has most all of the vitamins necessary to sustain life.”


The Pasteur Institute study indicated Yerba Mate to be a more potent antioxidant than ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Antioxidants are the body’s main defense against free radicals! Free radicals are chemical compounds produced in the body as a result of toxic exposure to pollution, radiation, heavy metals, and pesticides. Free radicals increase the probability that affected cells will become susceptible to a wide range of infections and degenerative diseases including cancer, diabetes, heart attacks, premature aging, and strokes. Antioxidants are nutrients that seek out free radicals and neutralize their damaging cellular effects.


The pleasantly stimulating effect of Yerba Mate comes primarily from a compound called mateine. While mateine is related to caffeine, and sometimes referred to as such, the way the body absorbs it differs significantly from caffeine. Yerba Mate affects your system by gradually bringing up your energy level more slowly and evenly. It has a more long lasting effect and most people find this much more enjoyable than coffee.


Mate seems to act like a tonic, invigorating a weakened and depressed nervous system and relaxing an overexcited one. We have found that Mate gives more energy and vitality; better ability to concentrate; less nervousness, and eliminates fatigue, stimulating mental and physical activity. Yet for the most part, Mate does not interfere with sleep cycles, but helps to balance them.


Perhaps the main area to benefit from Mate is the gastrointestinal tract. We have seen that it helps the digestion, and even seems to have the ability to repair damaged and diseased gastrointestinal tissues. Constipation, acute or chronic, can be relieved by drinking lots of Mate.


Heart ailments of all kinds seem to be helped by drinking Yerba Mate. Mate supplies many of the nutrients required by the heart for growth and repair. In addition, it increases the supply of oxygen to the heart, especially during periods of stress or exercise.


Mate increases the immune response of the body, stimulating natural resistance to disease.


We take the time to go to the Mate plantations in Brazil where we purchase our “Mate Factor” brand Mate and view the manner in which the harvest is processed. So you can be assured that you are drinking the finest quality certified organic Mate available. In fact, it is the same Mate we drink among our people. Also, since we acquire our Mate at the source we are able to offer it to you at a very good price.


As part of a regular daily regime of exercise, lots of water, wholesome foods, and keeping a good conscience, a man can expect to live a long life enjoying his Mate each day. It is a wonderful beverage to drink hot or cold several times a day. Drink it plain or with lemon and honey… some people like it with milk. There’s almost no end to the different ways you can prepare this amazing tea. So be creative, and feel free to let us know what you think.

Article By The Mate Factor (USA)

Click here for Mate Factor Canada